Arlington/Ione High School vs. Condon High School. Watch Girls Varsity Volleyball Tuesday, Sep 26th, 2023 at 5:00 PM PDT on the NFHS Network! Or come down and see if in Immersive 3D
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
ARLINGTON HOMECOMING OCT 2-6, 2023 Dress Up Days... more details on homecoming activities coming soon.
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Monday's AMS volleyball game in South Wasco has been moved up to a 3:00 pm start time.
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Parents, we have recently placed a handicapped parking place at the elementary school. Please help us keep this space available. Also please do not park in the no parking area. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
over 1 year ago, Melody Tucker
Back to School Open House Wednesday, September 6th Meet and Greet with Ice Cream 6pm at the Elementary School. After Welcome message from Superintendent Johnson feel free to visit your students classroom and visit with their teachers.
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington/Ione Middle Dufur Middle School. Watch Boys And Girls Middle School Volleyball Monday, Sep 11th, 2023 at 3:55 PM PDT on the NFHS Network!
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington/Ione High School vs. Pilot Rock High School. Watch Girls Varsity Volleyball Tuesday, Sep 5th, 2023 at 3:55 PM PDT on the NFHS Network!
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
The rebuilding and changing of the number of the 'A' was rescheduled to the afternoon of SEPT 6 for grades 9-12.
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
School Starts 7:45 AM, AUGUST 28, 2023. See you there! Show up at 7:30 AM and have breakfast.
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington SD September 2023 Calendar and Menu are posted on (subject to change)
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington school district parents and guardians... please register new students for preK to high school BEFORE August 28. For more information call 541-454-2727 during business hours. Returning students please bring your completed paperwork with you on the first day of school.
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Want to own your very own SCHOOL BUS? YOU CAN! Sealed bids for a 2015 Thomas Built C2 77 passenger bus are due by AUG 28, 2023 at 2pm PST. Min bid $62,500 see image for more information
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
High school volleyball practice information. For more information, please contact your coaches or the AHS office
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
A Back-2-School message from Mr. Johnson
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
School Supply lists for Arllngton Schools are posted at Donations of supplies for general use or specific classes are gratiously accepted at either the Grade School or High School offices.
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Arlington and Ione Middle School Volleyball Parents and Participants: Please get your sportsYou account created and join the group! This will be one of my main sources of communication for the upcoming season! I can’t wait to get back in the gym, please reach out if you have any questions! Coach Emily Wetherell
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
VB sports now
Due to technical difficulties tonight’s movie has been CANCELLED! We hope to have everything resolved and will continue with the schedule next Friday. Next Weeks start time will be approximately 8:15.
over 1 year ago, Melody Tucker
Please join us for a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony to mark the official opening of "The Pop" Arlington, Oregon. Help us celebrate and symbolize the start of a new chapter in Arlington's community development. What is it? The Arlington Pop Up Retail district is a seasonal marketplace that will be open on Wednesday's and Saturday's this Summer.
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham
Preschool Registration is happening now! Do you have a 3 or 4 year old that you want to sign up for preschool? Come by, or call the grade school for registration paperwork. For planning, and funding purposes, please register your Preschool Student by JULY 1st! Call 541-454-2727 or email for more information, or to get your registration packet!
over 1 year ago, Melody Tucker
The Arlington School District will be holding a Sealed Bid Auction for a very old stick welder. Sealed bids will be accepted at the Arlington High School office at 1200 Main Street in Arlington Oregon or mail to ASD-Attention Bids, PO Box 10, Arlington, OR 97812. If mailing in your bid please make sure the bid is sealed. The deadline for bids is June 14, 2023 at 2:00 pm at this time the bids will be opened, in the AHS library and the high bidder will be announced. For more details, contact AHS at 541-454-2632 WELDER: MIller "tombstone" AC-225, vintage: staff who are approaching retirement remember wending with that stick welder. as-is no warranty (it does work) Image example of the same model
over 1 year ago, Alan Cunningham